Bite relief

Looking for a insect repellent manufacturer?

Bite relief products

To complete the anti-insect range on your shelf, a bite relief product cannot be missed. As insect repellent manufacturer, Primmed can help you further on than only bite relief products. 


  • Cosmetic


  • Gel
  • Spray
Primmed is a insect repellent manufacturer who makes bite relief products.

It has a soothing and calming action when used for treating an insect bite or sting, such as the mosquito, wasp or horsefly. This gel is also soothing after a jellyfish sting or after contact with stinging nettles.

Tick removers

A tick can transmit bacteria, viruses and parasites while sucking blood. Borrelia burgdorferi, the cause of Lyme disease, is the most well-known and dangerous bacterium that may be present in a tick. You can easily remove the entire tick with a tick remover.

  • Available in different colors.
  • Product is made of RPP.
  • Possibility to add your own logo.
  • Suitable for both small and large ticks.
  • Easy to take with you, as the tick remover can simply be attached to your keyring.
  • Expert as a insect repellent manufacturer.
Primmed is your best choice when it comes to insect repellent manufacturers.

Tick prevention

  • Spray (pump)
  • Stand-alone or with box