Specialized in Anti-Insect repellents in compliance with European regulations

Looking to expand your range of travel health related products with Insect repellents and after bite gels?

Primmed is the partner to turn to. We offer an optimized range of fast-moving travel health products. Since 1989 Primmed played a leading role in the (Dutch) Travel Medicine field. With our 30+ years’ experience in this category we offer you a reliable partnership in the specialized category of highly regulated travel health products.

Our products are available in more than 25 countries at pharmacies, drugstores, outdoor shops and online.

We are innovative and lead the way in the application of new or combined technologies in Travel & Health Care products.

We follow new developments, lend our ears to the traveler and the consumer and respond to their needs.

Our products are produced according to regulations.

Our products are always scientifically tested and proven.

Our work and products contribute to a malaria free world.

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When developing a new mosquito repellent, for Primmed the demands of our customers are always coming first. 
We believe that our expertise and experience will help to optimize your insect repellent shelf performance.

Working with Primmed is working with a partner,
a colleague rather than a supplier.


We help you with the complete route to market support for existing product formulations and registrations in compliance with the EU-BPR, local law and regulations.


Our passion is to transform your product requests into successful travel health products under your own label / brand. Together we will establish your best product options.


Within a short time, frame the products will be delivered, turnkey